Sunday, September 20, 2009

One Week Down

Well I've done a week and I'm down 7 lbs which puts me at 253 lbs. Even better than that I feel great! I have run into one problem. I work out my arms like mad (I'm dying for Jillian Michaels' arms) but the next morning I'm never sore. Now I know I shouldn't be in pain but my muscles should complain a bit. So obviously I'm not working them hard enough but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Next Friday I have the first "real" training session with my trainer. I will ask her to work primarily on my arms and we'll see if she can make me feel it!

I've done okay on food. Although yesterday I ended up skipping breakfast which is of course a HUGE no-no.

egg, toast, banana
Slimfast, 6 baby carrots
1/2 naan
hummus, 10 wheat thins
10 almonds
chicken cacciatore on whole wheat pasta

1 hr of interval training (this kicked my butt, but still not my arms!)

2 C skim milk, chocolate quick
low fat vanilla yogurt, 2 tbsp granola, frozen berries
I also had a few bites of different things to eat at the grocery store as I didn't get lunch either
small slice of orange cake (no sugar just honey as sweetner)
Cauliflower, artichoke, cheese tortellini in vodka sauce
100 calorie kettle corn

15 min elliptical
30 min weight training (primarily abs (ow!) and arms)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Day Down

God Thursdays are rough. It is one of my longer work days as I work 10 to 5. I awoke this morning to the screams of my daughter. I went to her room and was struck by a wave of stench that meant only one thing. Poo up the back. So at 6:00 am I stripped my daughter and stuck her in the bath. Luckily she went back to sleep but she slept till 8am which meant I spent the rest of the morning rushing around trying to make up time. Oh well I guess I needed the sleep.

I also met with my trainer this evening. We just chatted and she showed me some of the equipment I didn't know how to work. Next Friday we'll have a real training session. She doesn't seem to like Jillian Micheal's' style so I don't think she'll be screaming at me. What a shame.

Anyway on to what I ate and such:

egg, whole wheat toast, banana (noticing a trend yet)
minestrone soup (this soup is incredible!)
10 almonds
1 home made chocolate chip cookie (not great but at least I only ate one much better than normal)
2 fresco chicken tacos, 1 fresco bean burrito
low fat chocolate milk

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Two For One

Well I didn't get a chance to post last night. Last night was one heck of an evening. It was Keegan's Kindergarten open house and my first appointment with my trainer. Unfortunately, Amelia started screaming at the gym's daycare while I was with my trainer and that had to be cut short. I didn't go to Keegan's Open House, Artie did. I did go to the PTO meeting which was interesting to say the least.

Yesterday's food:
Cheerios, 1/2 C Skim Milk
2 C Skim Milk
Grilled Chicken Sandwich with no Mayo (from McDonald's)
Snack Wrap grilled (okay this wasn't the best decision)
2 med eggs, humus, 10 triscuits
Spinach Tortallini Soup (only 100 calories a cup I had 2)

Yesterday's Workout
20 min. Eliptical (real workout interupted by Amelia)

Today's Food:
Egg, Whole Wheat Toast (1 slice), Banana
2 Fresco Chicken tacos (sauce), 1 Fresco Bean Burrito
Beef Ministrone soup (homemade) Super yummy and just 369 calories

Today's Exercise
30 min Step Aerobics
30 min Stregth Training

Monday, September 14, 2009

And Day 2 is at an end

Well, I thought I had my first hour with my personal trainer (I tried for Jillian but she's a bit busy), rushed home got the kids from the sitter and raced back to the gym to find out it is tomorrow. So, I'll have to replay the mad dash tomorrow.

I think I did okay with food today. I haven't done food shopping except for milk for over a week so pickin's were slim. See above and you will also realize I didn't have much time. So I went to Taco Bell. I ordered two chicken taco's Fresco and a Fresco bean burrito.

Without further ado my day in food and exercise:

2 eggs, 2 small whole wheat pieces of toast, skim milk, grapes
Spinach Dal, whole wheat naan bread, grapes
hummus, triscuit
2 crunchy chicken Fresco tacos, 1 Fresco bean burrito,

20 min Elliptical
30 min Upper body weights

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Here we go. . .

I'm ready to start my journey. Again. It always gets sidelined. We move. I get pregnant. I get bored. For whatever reason I end up right back where I started plus a bit of padding. I'm currently at 260 lbs, I cringe a bit writing that. I know how I got where I'm at. I blame the donuts. Particularly Boston Cremes from Dunkin Donuts. But really the person to blame is me.

So here's the plan; I blog about the troubles and triumphs in losing weight. And you all help keep me accountable. I should write daily even if it is just what I've eaten. Once a week I'll weigh in. That's on Saturday in case anyone is wondering. Along the way I'll hopefully gain some insights into myself that will keep me from repeating past mistakes.

Food Diary:
Breakfast - 1 med egg, cheerios, skim milk
Lunch - 12" subway ham sub, green tea with honey
Snack - large banana
Dinner - Chicken Tikka, Whole wheat Naan, 1/2 cup white rice

1 hour of cardio (Zumba dancing/aerobics)